anews_anon: @anon: Explaining it ruins it, but i kind of like ruining it, since it would be a shitpost in itself. This is understood in context of the previous image posted by Fauvenoir. Look at the statement written in that poster, and at its sentence structure. This post mimics and mocks that statement and its structure in a simplistic, yet distorted, literal and self-referential way. The crude scribblings and low effort shit quality adds a humorous tone which shows lack of seriousness and lack of respect that is meant to unsettle the reader. It’s intended that the reader be confused by the mangled syntax. The word “picture”, normally a noun, is used as a verb, and not as the verb “picture” in present tense conjugation, but the noun itself, the thing called a picture, is now an action. Things being are actions expressed. The rest are redundant self-referential, self-contextualizing recursive elements.
Fauvenoir: lol... dude, I only tried to upload a damn pic from some street agit-prop I ain't fully the author. I welcome the sarcasm, but all I asked was to get in touch with someone who can either fix the pic rotation issue or help me fix it, as there was no apparent fucking way to understand how it turn out on landscape mode, even after editing the pic. Like how can I (or anyone else) be able to avoid this next time a pic is posted? Sarcasm doesn't help much in here.
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