For quick anonymous posts try: Username: anon Password: anon

23: antifa gritty

antifa gritty // 948x960 // 131KB
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anon: user image
- Reply
anon: user image

17: #johnzerzan #jz #npc

#johnzerzan #jz #npc // 1280x720 // 391KB
- Reply
anon: Blah blah hey guize you dance with the ITS you gonna get bad stuff. I frown at you :-( user image

3: jensen salmonfucker

jensen salmonfucker // 500x502 // 66KB
- Reply
Papa_Smurf: Testing BBCode

13: anarchistnews

anarchistnews // 600x450 // 240KB
- Reply
Papa_Smurf: Memberberries!!!! 'Member?

4: anarchy doom nihilism

anarchy doom nihilism // 800x450 // 138KB
- Reply
Papa_Smurf: Comment test
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Papa_Smurf: Cannot comment with images. However, testing html: <img src="">
- Reply
Papa_Smurf: No html either :-(
- Reply
Papa_Smurf: Nice! a comment feed on the left. That could make this interesting :-)
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